15 Best Practices in Salesforce that Your Organization Should Follow

During Salesforce implementation, adhering to these practices is crucial for long-term success. From managing clean data to designating a product owner, each step plays a crucial role in user experience. Staying informed about Salesforce platform updates and continually adapting business processes are key aspects to maximize their impact. Additionally, being prepared to report issues and find effective solutions is essential for maintaining system integrity and performance. Whether you are new to Salesforce or a seasoned professional, here are some best practices you should be aware of.

1- Understand Internal Processes

Successful Salesforce implementation requires a deep understanding of internal processes and a well-defined business logic. Before making extensive customizations, it is advisable to clearly prioritize fundamental business needs over superfluous desires, starting with standard Salesforce functions to address immediate needs. This progressive approach avoids unnecessary complexity and facilitates long-term issue resolution.

Additionally, it is crucial to capture detailed requirements by mapping existing workflows and business processes before introducing new features. Technology is utilized most effectively only when processes are fully understood, allowing significant improvements in user experience. Using reason, prioritizing business logic over desires, becomes a key principle for a successful and adaptable implementation as business needs evolve.

2- Keep the Focus on the End User

Salesforce’s fundamental premise is to simplify the lives of end users. To achieve this, it is essential to involve them from the beginning, even before implementation. This active participation creates a sense of ownership among users and facilitates the identification and addressing of potential weaknesses in their experiences. Otherwise, there is a risk of users abandoning the platform, either due to confusion or feelings of neglect.

In this regard, it is crucial to keep users informed about changes and updates as well as seeking their input at various stages while prioritizing their needs. This approach ensures the design of a platform that not only adapts to business requirements, but also generates optimal results by actively considering user feedback.

Additionally, don’t forget to optimize Salesforce for mobile devices as a key element to enhance team efficiency by utilizing Salesforce Mobile and responsive designs in platform customization. This consideration of mobile usability and adapting the interface to various screen sizes not only improves productivity, but also allows accessibility to Salesforce information from any location.

3- Appoint a Product Owner

Many organizations have established effective Salesforce management through a designated product owner, also referred to as an administrator or project manager. This individual, whether an internal employee or an external administrator, serves as the point of contact for questions, issues, and update requests. The product owner becomes an invaluable resource for your team, providing direct assistance and facilitating efficient communication regarding Salesforce usage. It’s worth noting that new Salesforce users can turn to managed service teams to get started before hiring someone internally.

4- Select the Ideal Salesforce Consulting Partner

Having a partner for configuration, development, implementation, and support throughout your Salesforce journey is invaluable. Certified experts can advise on the initial setup, using best practices to support ongoing success. They assist in making informed decisions on customizations, focusing on essential functions, and maintaining system usability.

Additionally, your partner will be available for continuous support and training, handling improvements, user issues, errors, and new requirements as they arise. Their consistent experience and assistance are key elements to maximize the effectiveness and adaptability of your use of Salesforce.

What is a Salesforce Consulting Partner and How Can It Help You?

A Salesforce Consulting Partner can help you to fully implement the platform by taking care of the details so that you can focus on the development and growth of your business.


5- Prioritize Data Quality

Maintaining data quality is essential for Salesforce efficiency. Neglecting this aspect can lead to incorrect, duplicate, or missing data, resulting in erroneous decision-making. It is recommended to establish effective data hygiene processes, including naming conventions and data selection lists to standardize information. Training users on the importance of maintaining accurate and complete data significantly contributes to this process.

Valuable tools such as duplicate record checks, data cleansing, and quality metrics can help ensure data integrity. While Salesforce may be the sole source of information for your company, without proper data, you won’t be able to fully leverage its potential.

6- Update and Customize

Updating and customizing in Salesforce are essential practices to optimize system performance and assure alignment with changing business requirements. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance, avoiding excessive customization and code that could lead to technical debt for future maintenance and scalability. The recommendation is to opt for out-of-the-box solutions whenever possible, simplifying processes for users and administrators, and facilitating data search and entry.

Moving from simplicity to complexity requires choosing the right resources. Staying informed about Salesforce updates and carefully planning customizations require knowledgeable and skilled resources which are essential to knowing when and what updates will be implemented. To overcome these challenges, having online resources and Salesforce partners that provide guidance when needed becomes a key strategy to maximize the value of Salesforce and ensure its smooth long-term operation.

7- Develop Integration Strategies

Developing a robust integration strategy is crucial to effectively connect Salesforce with other systems in your technological environment. Use APIs and middleware tools to ensure a seamless flow of data between platforms. Interoperability between Salesforce and other business applications enhances information consistency and accessibility. A well-thought-out strategy facilitates real-time data synchronization and avoids redundancies, enabling efficient information flow between systems and thus optimizes data-driven decision-making.

8- Use Automations and AI

The key to optimizing processes in Salesforce is the strategic use of automation tools such as workflows and triggers. This practice not only improves overall efficiency and reduces errors in data, but also frees up time and resources for the team by automating repetitive tasks. It’s essential to identify and plan appropriate tasks for automation to avoid negative impacts on system performance. With tools like Flow Builder, Salesforce provides a robust platform to effectively implement automation, significantly improving organizational operability. With the explosion of AI in CRM, automations have grown exponentially!

9- Establish a Robust Governance Model

Implementing a strong governance model is crucial for efficient Salesforce administration. This model includes change management, usage monitoring, and compliance assurance. Establishing a version control process ensures supervised implementation of updates and changes which can reduce the risk of errors and conflicts. Additionally, maintaining detailed documentation for configurations and customizations allows a clear understanding of the system structure and facilitates future updates. Governance in Salesforce is key to maintaining stability and consistency in the working environment, promoting efficiency, and ensuring security.

10- Perform Continuous Monitoring and Audits

Continuous performance monitoring in Salesforce is crucial for providing an optimal user experience and efficient system operation. Tools like Salesforce Health Check and Analytics facilitate the identification and resolution of potential bottlenecks, allowing proactive adjustments that improve speed and efficiency. This preventive approach not only ensures smooth operation, but also prevents unplanned interruptions, maintaining a Salesforce environment that adapts to evolving business needs.

In addition, conducting random audits allows identifying areas for improvement, optimizing customizations, and removing unused elements which ensures that Salesforce evolves in line with long-term business requirements. Continuous optimization not only improves system performance, but also contributes to business dynamics.

11- Facilitate Collaboration and Communication

Fostering collaboration among users is vital to maximize the utility of Salesforce. Utilize tools like Salesforce Chatter or Slack, among others, that are integrated with Salesforce to facilitate communication. This creates an environment where users can efficiently share ideas, updates, and best practices. Stimulating information exchange within the platform not only strengthens collaboration, but also enhances operational efficiency and data-driven decision-making.

12- Use Sandboxes

Before launching any new functionality or significant changes in the production environment, thorough testing in a sandbox is necessary. This allows identifying and correcting potential issues before affecting real-time operation, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises and ensuring that adjustments proceed as expected. Regular testing of existing functionalities is also important to maintain their operability and proper use by the team.

On the other hand, comprehensive user training is essential for developing their competence in using Salesforce. A well-trained team maximizes the platform’s capabilities and contributes to optimizing its performance. Investing in user training is a key decision to ensure long-term success.

13- Document Everything

After implementing functionalities in Salesforce, it is crucial to maintain the logic supporting decisions and system usage. Develop comprehensive documentation for administrators and end-users, detailing methods, key elements, and specific functions. In addition to serving as a study guide for the team, updated documentation complements testing, which ensures coherence and efficiency.

14- Ensure Data Security

Data security is paramount. Implement measures to establish an effective system for protecting your organization’s sensitive data. For example, use secure passwords, multi-factor authentication, regular backups, IP address filtering, etc. Other measures, such as combining profiles, permission sets, and field-level security, guarantees that each user has access only to the information necessary to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. This strengthens the integrity and confidentiality of data in Salesforce.

15- Establish a Change Management Strategy

Change management in Salesforce is essential for the growth and scalability of your solution. This practice allows the introduction of new features in a prioritized and planned manner, avoiding potential negative impacts on users or overall business operations. It involves selecting a dedicated team, developing strategies for change requests, active involvement of stakeholders, consideration of the impact on users and processes, and the design of training and communication plans. Adopting this practice is crucial to ensure a smooth transition, optimized performance, all while minimizing risks associated with significant changes in Salesforce.

By following these practices, your organization will maximize the advantages of Salesforce and improve productivity, data accuracy, and user satisfaction. Don’t forget to review and adjust them as your business evolves and Salesforce introduces new features.

SkyPlanner, as a Salesforce consulting partner, is ready to help you boost your organization’s performance. With a strong background in implementations and development, we offer customized solutions and ongoing support. Get in touch with us by emailing hello@theskyplanner.com.

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"Excellent Consultants. During the training I received by the SkyPlanner team, I was lucky to better understand the powerful capabilities of Salesforce.com. They were very effective, straight-to-the-point, and with a solid knowledge of the CRM and the Force.com platform. Definitively they showed us how to streamline the business process within our company. Great group of people spreading valuable knowledge to make businesses grow. I highly recommend them."

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"Excellent partner! We have been working with SkyPlanner for almost one year now. It has been a pleasure working with their team. If it wasn't for them we would have not been able to go-live with our platform when we did. They understood our needs and were not only able to execute but guide us in our decisions. We continue using them for our on-going projects. They have a deep understanding of the overall platform. Their team is always ready, willing and able to help."

Ivan de Moya — VP Innovation Technology @ SunStreet

"SkyPlanner was professional, creative, reliable and extremely accommodating. From the onset of the project, it was clear that we had found the right partner. Our project was complex and every time we hit a roadblock, SkyPlanner was helpful in identifying and implementing a solution. Jorge Fernandez [SkyPlanner's Co-Founder & Managing Director] was our primary contact and we cannot say enough about what an asset he was in bringing our project to resolution."

Ryan Borcherds — Marketing @ Deliver Lean

"On time, on budget, great quality on every project. Whenever I get asked to recommend a Salesforce.com partner, I do not hesitate on my reply: Go with SkyPlanner. I had the privilege to have worked with many teams over the years, none have brought to the table the enthusiasm the SkyPlanner team has. This combined with their professionalism and expertise are the reasons I ONLY recommend one partner: SkyPlanner. In every project (and we have done many) they have consistently delivered on time and on budget with significantly superior quality."

Juan Meza — Strategic Business Development Director @ Sony Electronics Inc.

"Outstanding Service! Happy to have them as our partner! SkyPlanner is by far the most experienced and reliable Salesforce partner. We almost gave up on Salesforce thanks to our previous partner, fortunately we found SkyPlanner and they came to the rescue! They took their time to understand our needs and complexity of our organization. Highly talented, professional and dedicated team. I cannot stress enough how happy we are to have them as our partner and we look forward to continue building our relationship."

Nolan Pereira — Project Manager @ BLU Products

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